I Won A Contest! A Really Cool One

In October of 2012, a man from Guitar Center in Los Angeles called me at work and told me Joe Satriani had chosen my video out of 2000 entries to be one of the 10 winners of his WHOOZNXT contest! They flew me to LA and put me up in a fancy boutique hotel for a night.  I hung out with 9 of the coolest guitar players I've ever met.  We got a special masterclass with Joe himself and they awarded each of us with the beautiful JS20s 20th Anniversary Ibanez.  Joe actually played the guitar at his show at the Orpheum in Boston this past Saturday night!

It was such a beautiful weekend and it all came together at a time in my life when I desperately needed some inspiration and confidence.  I am so grateful for the opportunity.  

Here is my award winning video!! Thank you for watching!

Juli Finn1 Comment